Are you ready to give your pet the royal treatment?…
Are you ready to give your pet the royal treatment?…
As we step into the New Year, let us choose to trust in Jesus. No matter the storms or challenges that may come our way; Life may will undoubtedly bring us rain—times of difficulty or uncertainty—but we can find peace in knowing that Jesus is with us through it all. Continue reading →
As the Christmas season approaches, it’s a beautiful time to pause and reflect on the true meaning of this Holy holiday. Christmas is a celebration of God’s greatest gift to the world – Jesus Christ.
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Whether you're starting up a physical bookshop, selling online, or perhaps just playing around with a dream or two – A catchy name is the first step to opening shop. Okay well that..and inventory 😉
One thing I've been having fun with lately, is the National Days calendar. Filled with all kinds of silly things we have now deemed a "day" to celebrate. Chocolate Cake Day, Polka Dot Day, etc.
Face mask giveaway – Enter now for your chance to win a customized face mask from mask market!
SPRING 2020 Refresh with Photowall…
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Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey…
Welcome to SPRING (hello, finally!), and our first Giveaway of 2020 with our friends over at TVSTOREONLINE.COM
A fun array of Rainy Day shares for my readers.
Come on in for more Rainy Day Blog Fun…
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Have a little fun with this pinnable Halloween Movie Playlist!
You've peeled, soaked and peeled again, yet there is always that annoying tiiiny bit of sticker residue left behind on your jar, that becomes a complete pain in the you-know-what.
Come on inside and I'll show you a quick way to get that jar sparkling with one product I bet you already have on hand!…
So I started this list with the intention of just throwing a few "cool" songs on a cute little template for your patriotic shindig. However, once I got going, I realized just how many songs I really didn't want to leave off haha… Continue reading →
What's Your Valentine's Name?
Leave a comment below and let me know!
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For more fun, games and a daily dose of laughter, why not come on over and join the Wifetime of Happiness family on Facebook? We can't wait to see you there!
Have you received emails from amazon, apple, paypal or any other company claiming you owe money, or asking to verify sensitive information?
Join me now for How to Spot a Fake Email…and where to report them!
1, 2, something's coming for YOU.
These creepy superstitions are guaranteed to have you paranoid for life!
Before you scroll past (yet another) rambling post about politics, who's right, who's wrong, vote for this person, vote for that person….
Come on inside and enter now for your chance to *WIN* a 10 Pack of delicious PolitiTEAcal Teas.
Are there really *secrets* of how to shop at Yard Sales? You bet there are!
Join me today for How to Find the Best Deals at Yard Sales!
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Hello, Honey's!
If you've stumbled across this (awesome) Top 10 Summer Movie List, I'm guessing 1 of 2 things:
1) It's the dead of winter and the only thing that could possibly put a smile on your face right now, would be warm sand between your toes and a gentle tropical breeze on your face. Orrr…
2) It's so dang hot out, sweat literally pours down your beautiful face the minute you've reached the front door, thus bringing you to one of those Lazy Days of Summer where it's just more pleasant to experience it from the inside :))
No matter how you got here – Thanks for stopping by and let's get this kick-ass list started!
A little Wintery-Fun! Enjoy! 🙂
What's YOUR Winter Name?
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