Ordering from Gossby
While dealing with the sudden and unexpected loss of our furry pal, Sgt.Doakes, back in December, naturally I have been searching online for a little help in ways to cope and navigate through the horrid grieving process.
Doakes was a profound loss to our household; and while it may not be that way for some, it’s never up to someone else to decide how you grieve or how long your personal grieving process should take.
And for me…it’s taking quite some time.
There is so much I could say about our cute little man, Doaksey; but I can't, because I will cry again and never get through this post. Perhaps in time.
I digress…
It’s common knowledge that once you start searching for things, other related items show up in ads and suggestions, similar to what you were initially looking for
I happen to see an ad for a site called Gossby. They offered ‘customized’ mugs and other merch, featuring an illustrated “you” and your pet.
Listen, most of the time I pass this stuff RIGHT BY. I am not about to get sucked in to losing a bunch of money because an ad played on my vulnerability.
Well, the mugs *were* very cute, so I ventured over to the site.
After a little playing around with the options and seeing that I could not only customize mine and my pets name, but that I could add on another person and even attach wings for a deceased pet
LINE and
I NEEDED this mug.
Alright. I knew what was happening…
I had to back out and quickly before grief took over, and somehow I would end up entangled on the dark web or wiring all my money to a Nigerian Prince.
I wanted that mug, so I needed to find some reviews about Gossby before I were to proceed.
After a little searching, I decided Gossby was legit, and for the most part customers were satisfied.
What really sealed the deal was having the option to pay with PayPal.
PayPal protects your purchases and if you don’t receive the item or there is an issue, generally there is no problem receiving a full refund.
Now, I’m not what you would call "sentimental", but like I said, this death hurt.
And it wasn’t just me, my husband as well (though it seemed he could hold it together a little better than myself).
It was already March 10th, and while my husband and I don’t normally “do gifts” with each other, I decided to go ahead and make the purchase so that I could give it to him for our upcoming anniversary at the end of March.
My mind was already being put to ease when I immediately received confirmation from both PayPal and Gossby.
I was updated promptly throughout the process and given an estimated date for delivery.
I believe the ETA was around April 7th; which I was perfectly fine with, as I knew expecting a customized item in a very short time frame was unreasonable.
Now we wait…aaand fast forward —>
To my surprise while collecting the mail on March 24th, there it was.
Packaged safely in a styrofoam cube and arriving one day before our anniversary!
This mug has a high gloss finish and is absolutely beautiful.
I couldn’t wait for my husband to see it, so I handed it over on the spot (we aren’t good at surprises either lol).
Truth be told, I think even he was a little choked up when he saw it.
I am so pleased with the excellent experience I had ordering from Gossby,
I will definitely be back at Christmas for a festive mug (and perhaps any other goodies they may offer around then).
So to shorthand the answer your question:
Is Gossby legit? YES!
Is this post sponsored? NO.
This post is not sponsored, nor am I affiliated with Gossby.
I decided to write my experience for the very reason I had initially searched out legit reviews on the company before making a purchase.
What a better way to help others than to show your product and write of the experience.