It's that time of year again when we start gettin' cah-razyyy up here in the White house. No really. We are the White House.
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Okay so, if you've ever watched any dysfunctional family Christmas movie (think Mixed Nuts, National Lampoons and a little Christmas with the Kranks. Heck even a little Surviving Christmas; because there's always one loony "relative" who isn't even remotely related and one marriage on the rocks that we all politely pretend is fine) then you'll have a pretty good idea of how things usually look around our house, come the Christmas Holidays.
We've got anger, we've got cheer, we've got burnt cookies and holiday disasters a-plenty…
Granted, it's just hubby, myself and 4 cats..
Sooo, I guess you can already tell by that sentence alone that we're complete losers completely crazy.
Anyhoo – We thought we had it all until one day we realized.. We did not have the sweater.
How does anyone possibly get though years of Christmases without owning a Christmas Sweater to tie the insanity all neatly together? Thankfully all that changed, because we have now paired up with our friends over at to bring y'all some festive fun!
Let me tell you, there are WAY too many sweaters here to choose from that you're going to want to grab at least a few…
At the prices and selection they offer, you could probably enjoy a sweater for each week in December
Hubby and I each got to choose one.
The decision was hard, but we finally commited to the Light up Griswold Family Christmas for myself and Ryan chose Stripper North Pole (shocker )
These sweaters are absolutey GORGEOUS!
Hands down, the pictures you see on the Internet do no not do them any justice…
Well-made, warm, vibrant, hi-larious and ready to rock your holly-jolly socks off – Check them out in action!!
Should you choose the Griswold Family Christmas Sweater; it comes dazzled with "diamond-like" jewels, giving your sweater-house that extra beam and glare of Griswold Hazard…
Honestly, I wanted to list and show you guys ALL my fav's, but I can't. Okay, maybe a just a couple…
Of course nothing (and I do mean nothing) says Christmas quite like A Christmas Story.
This leg lamp sweater won't be the only thing lit up come the ho, ho, holidays…
Just wait til your friends catch a glimpse of that stunning fra-gee-lay leg for themselves!
Or how about celebrating this great season with a modern, yet old-fashioned, folklore, such as Krampus.
Great for those who carry any hidden rage of Christmases past or who just can't stand the look of all those gleeful people, prancing about.
Not quite colorful enough for ya? Light that baby up with some of the DIY LED Christmas Ornament Lights, also available on Ugly Christmas Sweater.
…And in case the large selection and variety of sweaters were not enough to choose from –
UCS takes you "beyond" with offerings of SWAG: Socks, Pajamas and other Goodies to keep you festive all season long!
So if you're looking to start your own dysfunctional household Christmas events, or perhaps you have friends (lucky!!) and are invited to an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party, or maybe hittin' up that office Christmas party – I highly suggest checking out for all your holiday shenanigan needs.
Free Shipping on orders over $60 (Standard US Only) and only $9.99 Shipping International!
…Well, whaddya say?
Ready to throw back a bucket of Egg Nog and get to shopping?
And don't forget to follow Ugly Christmas Sweater on the web: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
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