One thing I've been having fun with lately, is the National Days calendar. Filled with all kinds of silly things we have now deemed a "day" to celebrate. Chocolate Cake Day, Polka Dot Day, etc.
As I write this today, May 27th, I see that it is National Grape Popsicle Day.
OMLortβ¦a day right up my alley. Count me all the way IN!!!
I digress; you'll see several days throughout this June 2021 Photo Challenge that pertain to those. It's a win-win on celebrating fun stuff and taking a cool photo for the challenge. Plus you'll give yourself that extra #hashtag if sharing throughout social media!
Alright then, welcome to the Summer seasons and let's get started on the
June 1st β A collection of something (#flipacoin day for those who collect coins!)
June 2nd β Chicken related
June 3rd β Something Repetitive (#repeatday)
June 4th β Cat (#nationalhugyourcatday)
June 5th β Something you see out the window (#worldenvironmentday)
June 6th β Eye Spy something that is GREEN (#nationaleyewearday)
June 7th β Movies (#vcrday)
June 8th β Cold Beverage
June 9th β Strawberry (#strawberryrhubarbpieday)
June 10th β Herbs & Spices (#herbsandspicesday)
June 11th β Something you feel that "Makes Life Beautiful" (#makinglifebeautifulday)
June 12th β Peanut related (#nationalpeanutbuttercookieday)
June 13th β Blooming (#nationalweedyourgardenday)
June 14th β "Me Time" (#monkeyaroundday)
June 15th β Smile (#smilepowerday)
June 16th β Baking (#fudgeday)
June 17th β Garbage (#globalgarbagemanday)
June 18th β Fish Related (#gofishingday)
June 19th β Cocktails (#martiniday)
June 20th β Start of Summer (#firstdayofsummer / #summersolstice)
June 21st β Selfie (#nationalselfieday)
June 22nd β Veggie related (#nationalonionringday)
June 23rd β Pink (#pinkday)
June 24th β Hands (#nationalhandshakeday)
June 25th β Eye Spy something that is CUTE (#takeyourdogtoworkday)
June 26th β Coconut related
June 27th β Sunglasses (#sunglassesday)
June 28th β Giant (#paulbunyanday)
June 29th β SNAP! Camera related (#cameraday)
June 30th β Social Media related (#socialmediaday)
Don't forget to hashtag your special days and feel free to hashtag #wifetimeofhappiness as well, so I can check out all your awesome photos!
If you enjoyed this challenge, head on back shortly to join in on our JULY 2021 PHOTO CHALLENGE!