Nothing says 'Merry Christmas' without a little steamy action
Today's novella as everything a reader loves with a little twist.
Join me for the 12 Days of Novellas: Day 11 – The review of Sex, Snow and Mistletoe by Laura Barnard, accompanied by a hearty stew!
Today's tasty dish is Curried Lentil, Spinach and Sweet Potato Stew!
Brought to us from Christy at Home of OHM!
A hearty delicious stew to warm you up with this snowy read!
Thanks so much to Christy for allowing me to use her awesome recipe!
Just click the pic to find out how to stir up a pot of Curried Lentil, Spinach and Sweet Potato Stew!…Don't forget to come back here for your download of Sex, Snow and Mistletoe and my review!
Sex, Snow and Mistletoe
Author: Laura Barnard
Description: "Melinda is already having a crappy Christmas. Forced to attend some snotty bitch's wedding is not the way to start out the holidays. But when a car crash pushes her into the path of a handsome stranger she's glad to follow his snowy, sexy and seductive path. But is he too good to be true? And will she make it to the wedding before her best friend loses her mind with worry?…"
My View:
If you're looking for a "hot" read on a cold night – This would be the one to grab! Short, sexy and sweet. Mildly erotic, but also fun and mysterious. If you don't like harsher type language, I'd say skip out on this one. The language didn't bother me at all (clearly, for those who know me haha). I liked both main characters and enjoyed the twist at the end. I'm not sure if I'd be interested in following more of Mel and Aiden..But really, that's just because of the first-person style writing. I'd say this is a cute anytime read, not just winter, as it was more based around the little "romance". If you'd like to download a copy of Sex, Snow and Mistletoe, head on over to or
3 out of 5 Candy Canes – Short and Sweet..a perfect treat!

Don't forget to check back in tomorrow, as I share another Christmassy novella review!..Oh, and a recipe too!
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