List of Vegan Mukbang YouTubers

Vegan Mukbang YouTubers

Home alone and bored during quarantine?
No dining out plans again tonight?
Why not venture out online and join a friendly Vegan Mukbanger or two for a meal…

This list is simply about a few great vegan youtubers who do mukbangs and not necessarily other great Vegan YouTube channels, such as Ellen Fisher or Nina and Randa, whom do more personal videos, such as share days in the life. 
However, that may be a post for a future date 🙂

Okay, so with this Vegan Mukbang YouTubers post, I am not looking to promote those who engage in the YouTube mukbang drama (so you won't see some of those very recognizable names here lol).
I wanted to try and build a list that represents some wholesome folk I have come across on YouTube.
I find watching those that consume a "fair" amount of food without gorging, are great at conversation with their following, and from time to time may throw out a delicious vegan/plant based recipe or two, or even an educational video, are much more relatable and enjoyable to watch. 

Okay, so let's get started here because I'm hungry and I gotta find a friend to dine with tonight!

Cheap Lazy Vegan
Rose is a Vegan YouTuber from Canada, who co-owns the SaVeg Cafe in Calgary Alberta.  She is a fun, friendly and witty content creator who brings us delicious Mukbangs with fairly easy recipes to follow along!

Edgy Veg
Edgy Veg is Candice, a Canadian chef, author and YouTuber.
She offers up a few Mukbang videos, but also a lot of "copy cat" recipe type videos, which I love.
You can also purchase her cookbook "Carnivore-Approved Vegan Recipes" – Delicious!

Ghetto Vegans
The Ghetto Vegans hail to us from Los Angeles, CA.
Jerlene and her awesome family offer out fun and wholesome content.  Not only is this family entertaining to watch and dine with, the Ghetto Vegans channel is a real eye-opener for those who believe eating Vegan is all salads and tofu!

Happy Healthy Vegan
Ryan and Anj are an awesome Vegan couple coming to us from Sunny SoCal.  They are artists, activists and both chock-full of incredible knowledge in regards to health.  Anj has also produced her own cookbook "Keep it Carbed, Baby!".

Madison Mukbang
I've only recently started watching Madison, but I enjoy the colorful vibes she gives off.
Not a huge fan of the burping in some vids, but it's easily looked past as her engagement with followers is spot on for entertaining stories and friendliness.

Miss Mo's Vegan Kitchen
From what I can tell, Miss Mo is just starting out her YouTube journey.  She comes to us from Toronto, Canada and has a fairly regular upload rate, which is great if you'd like to dine daily with a "friend".  She enjoys dinner with her son Axel, whom we don't see on cam, but does engage with the convo! 

Star's Divine Munchies 
From sharing stories of far off travel, to more intimate talks about personal issues, Star is one of those people you can immediately feel comfortable with. She has a unique way of making all her dishes look delicious and seem incredibly tasty!  She has changed her eating habits up over the years, and I believe now back to Vegetarian 🙂

That Vegan Couple
Natasha and Luca are husband and wife, animal rights activists and straight up down to Earth people.
I absolutely love the genuine vibe given throughout not only their mukbangs, but their educational videos.  Living a desirable, minimalist lifestyle, with frequently traveling the World, you're in for a real treat with this awesome duo!

Some of these channels, such as Happy Healthy Vegan and That Vegan Couple also offer up informational videos, packed with knowledge for living a sustainable, Vegan lifestyle. In fact, those two channels had a very large impact on the happier life I now live, by eliminating cruelty to animals the best that I can.

I am always looking to expand this list. 
So if you think I should check out a Vegan (or plant based) YouTuber not mentioned, let me know!
Oh, and I know you're wondering…the girl on my cover is not from youtube, she's a stock photo haha.